Archive for October, 2015
Oct 27, 2015

by Justin Van Den Heuvel People from all walks of life enjoy alcoholic beverages from time to time. Unfortunately, sometimes people who have had a little too much to drink get into difficult unforeseen circumstances. These kinds of situations can lead to a person being arrested and charged with driving under the influence. If you have […]

Oct 20, 2015

by Van Den Heuvel Law Office A USA Today report from 2012 describes a scenario that is becoming more and more common in this technological age. A Tennessee man reviewed a series of e-mails he had sent out to various recipients and discovered something unsettling: the e-mails that the recipient received were different than the e-mails the man had […]

Oct 13, 2015

by Van Den Heuvel Law Office Celebrities are no strangers to failed marriages. You can’t turn the TV on, surf the web, or walk through the grocery store magazine aisle without seeing some kind of news story about a celebrity couple that is calling it quits. Whether the stories are true or not, there’s no end […]

Oct 6, 2015

by Van Den Heuvel Law Office Perhaps the single greatest issue that divorcing couples face, other than child custody decisions for those who have children, is determining how to divide their assets. The problem for many people in this situation is that they don’t have enough knowledge about their money matters in order to make the […]