Sep 8, 2023

by Van Den Heuvel Law Office

If you were accused of a sex crime in Michigan, a conviction could lead to a felony charge in three degrees, a fourth-degree charge or certain misdemeanor offenses. A single conviction can impact all aspects of your life, so you need to take any accusation seriously. 

Van Den Heuvel Law Office is experienced in representing individuals accused of sex crimes in Michigan. Our attorneys are prepared to defend your rights and help you navigate the road ahead. Contact our firm to schedule a consultation where we can build a defense strategy based on your specific circumstances. 

First Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct

A first-degree criminal sexual conduct charge involves sexual penetration and another aggravating circumstance that indicates the severity. This can apply if the victim was a minor, related by blood or had a physical or mental disability. A first-degree charge may be held against perpetrators who used force or threatened force on the victim, caused injury due to coercion or force, abused their authority over the alleged victim or if the sexual penetration happened during a commission of a different felony. 

Second Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct

Criminal sexual conduct is charged in the second degree when there is sexual contact without penetration alongside at least one additional factor, as listed above. Circumstances involving sexual contact that takes place between corrections officers and probationers, pretrial detainees or inmates are also charged as second-degree. 

Third Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct

In order for a sex crime to be charged in the third degree, there must be penetration with force or coercion, but without aggravating factors that would increase the charge to the first degree. A third decree conviction also applies to cases where the alleged victim is in a protected group, such as being underage, mentally or physically incapacitated or a blood relative. 

If convicted of third degree criminal sexual conduct, the defendant could face up to 15 years in prison and will be registered as a sex offender. 

Fourth Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct

A fourth degree conviction is applied to sexual conduct cases that are not punished on a felony level. This applies to situations involving unwanted sexual touching. The charges are referred to as a misdemeanor, but Michigan law treats such a conviction as a felony, meaning a conviction of this degree can lead to up to two years in jail and a $500 fine. 

A true misdemeanor may involve indecent exposure, first and second offenses for solicitation or prostitution, as well as other lewd behaviors. 

Contact a Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer Who is Experienced in Sexual Conduct Cases

Any sexual conduct charges in Michigan can have serious repercussions, so you don’t want to take your situation lightly. A sexual criminal charge will remain on your record and result in a sex offender registration, leaving long-lasting impacts on your life and personal reputation. If you were accused of a sex crime, you need to act quickly to defend your name and protect your future. Contact our lawyers at Van Den Heuvel Law Office to discuss the next steps with an experienced attorney.