Aug 11, 2020

by Van Den Heuvel Law Office

Resolutions are usually reserved for New Year’s Eve when people are planning for a new year and thinking about how they could improve themselves. However, there is another time you should make certain resolutions, and that is when going through a divorce. Holding yourself to the resolutions below may make the process much easier for you.

Remain Respectful

Regardless of whether you split with your spouse amicably, or if the situation is quite contentious, it is critical that you remain respectful with your ex as well as yourself. Always speak respectfully to your spouse when you need to communicate with them, and consider your own goals, too. Do not give in to demands just to end your divorce sooner, but also consider what you are willing to give up. It is hard for many people to remain respectful when going through the divorce process, but you will be better for it in the end.

Remain Patient

Divorce is rarely a quick process. In the best and simplest of situations, a divorce can take months to be finalized. If you have children, it will likely take much longer. Exploring DIY options may seem like the best way to get your divorce finalized more quickly, but there is a lot of room for error, and you could feel the negative impacts of it for years. Working with an experienced divorce lawyer will help expedite the divorce process and ensure your rights are protected at the same time.

Co-Parent Amicably

It is difficult for people in the happiest of relationships to raise children. Raising them together after divorce is even more challenging, but it is important to do so amicably. Try to come to an agreement with your spouse about child custody issues, and do your best to be flexible with parenting time. Co-parenting is all about acting in the best interest of the child, and not out of spite.

Do Not Neglect Self-Care

It is easy to ignore self-care in the best of circumstances. With work and busy schedules for everyone in the family, it can be hard to find the time to exercise, eat well, and attend regular doctor and dental appointments. During a divorce, it is even easier to allow self-care to take a backseat. It is crucial though, that you do not forget to take care of yourself, so you are able to fully face the divorce process and fight for your rights, if necessary.

Seek Help

Even the most private of people should seek help when going through the divorce process. Reach out to family members and friends, and even a therapist, if necessary. Divorce is an extremely volatile and emotional process, and it truly takes a village to help a person get through it.

Speak to a Michigan Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is not only an emotional process but also a legal one. It is important to have a Grand Rapids divorce lawyer that will protect your rights and help you through it. At Van Den Heuvel Law Office, our experienced attorneys will stand by your side throughout the entire divorce process and work hard to secure the best settlement for you. Call us today or contact us online to schedule a meeting with one of our knowledgeable attorneys.