Mar 31, 2015

by Van Den Heuvel Law Office

“Till death do us part.” It’s a common phrase that has been uttered at so many weddings, and will be uttered many times to come in future ceremonies. However, those words might not always carry that much weight in the grand scheme of things. Even though most couples vow to stick together in both sickness and health and until the end finally comes, divorce is all too common in today’s society. Plus, when it comes to sickness, it appears that marriage is more susceptible to divorce when women fall ill than it is when men get sick. 

According to a new study from researchers at Iowa State University, a marriage is more likely to end in divorce if it’s the woman who becomes ill. While the study showed that the divorce rate did not go up when men were sick, when it was the woman who had fallen ill, the divorce rate increased by 6 percent. However, the researchers also noted that they did not track which partner actually filed for the divorce. The study included 2,700 couples wherein at least one of the parties was at least 51-years-old. Thirty-two percent of all the couples included in the study ended up getting divorced. 

The researchers were not able to clearly determine why divorce was more common when the woman was the one who fell ill. However, they did note that when one person becomes ill, the healthy spouse must take over the role of household manager and primary caregiver. For some women it could be more difficult to give up their role as primary caregiver as it would be for men. Likewise, some women might not be satisfied with the care they receive from their husbands, which could lead to an unhappy marriage, and in turn, divorce. 

Of course, every marriage is different and while serious long-term illness can cause stress to a marriage it is not the only factor that can lead to divorce. No matter what your situation is, if you are considering divorce then you should seek qualified legal help from an experienced divorce attorney Grand Rapids. At the Van Den Heuvel Law Office we can help you with every aspect of your divorce, from property division, to spousal support and from child custody to visitation. Don’t go through the divorce process alone. Contact us today at 616-698-000 or click here, and get the help you need with your divorce settlement.