Jun 13, 2017

by Justin Van Den Heuvel

The Electric Forest Festival, which is a two-weekend, eight-day Michigan event, is scheduled to take place late June through early July 2017. While the festival is one of the most anticipated music events of the year – and this year will feature artists including Odesza, The Revivalists, Kamasi Washington, and dozens more – there is also the potential for criminal activity to take place. Here are some common criminal charges associated with music festivals, and what you should do if you are charged with a crime at this year’s Electric Forest Festival–

Drug Possession Charges

Illicit substances are common at music festivals. If you are caught in possession of controlled substances in Michigan, you can face criminal charges. While the penalties that you may face if convicted depend on the type of controlled substance and the amount in question, you could be charged with a misdemeanor, which carries penalties and\or jail time, or a felony, which can result in a prolonged incarceration sentence.

Don’t assume that just because “everyone’s doing it,” you will not get caught. Drug possession and use is harshly penalized in the state.


Usually referred to as DUI, or driving under the influence, Michigan calls DUI crimes OWI, or operating while intoxicated crimes. The two terms are interchangeable, and are used to describe the action of a person who has had too much to drink getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. In Michigan, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration level of .00 percent for those under age 21; .04 percent for commercial drivers; and .08 percent for all others. A first time OWI offense can be punished by jail time, a large fine, a license suspension, and even potentially the requirement of the installation of an interlock ignition device. Subsequent charges are penalized more harshly.

Assault and Battery

Whether involving drugs or alcohol or not, music festivals tend to get a bit rowdy, and emotions may run wild. As such, assault, which is an attempt to cause physical injury to a person, or assault and battery, which is the use of violence or force against another person, may occur. Sexual assault is also possible. All forms of assault are illegal, and even minor assault can be penalized by up to 93 days incarceration and a fine of up to $500.

How an Experienced Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You

At the Van Den Heuvel Law Office, our experienced Michigan criminal defense attorney knows that musical festivals like Electric Forest often result in an array of criminal charges for attendees. We have experience defending our clients against drug possessionOWI/DUI, assault and battery, and other charges, and can build a strong defense for you. If you are facing criminal charges, contact our law offices today for a free consultation by calling us directly at 616-698-0000, or contacting us online.